Praise God For This Loving Father!

After an examination, the family found out that Sarah was shaken by a nurse, which resulted in a severe brain injury. Patrick knew that he would have to be the voice for his daughter.

Sarah Jane Donohue was a happy and healthy baby born on June 5th, 2005. Five days later, her father, Patrick Donohue noticed that she was lethargic and couldn’t cry. After an examination, the family found out that Sarah was shaken by a nurse, which resulted in a severe brain injury. Patrick knew that he would have to be the voice for his daughter.

In 2013, Patrick founded the International Academy of Hope, which specializes in educating kids with brain injuries and disorders. Currently, the school has 24 students and 50 full-time staff members, causing a year’s tuition to run $135,000. The cost is reimbursed by the New York City Department of Education, but only after parents sue, claiming that there is no public school to serve their child’s needs.

Read the full story Here.


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