How To Love Difficult People

Are you struggling to love a difficult person in your life? Here are a few practical ways to squeeze out some extra love for those who could probably use it the most.

2. Move towards them, not away

As if prayer weren’t bad enough, right? Now I’m asking you to intentionally put yourself in the path of this difficult person? Yup. Our natural tendency is to avoid difficult people and save ourselves the heartache. In reality, we are robbing ourselves of the opportunity to grow, and to learn how to lean on the strength of God. Plus, the people who are the most difficult to love are usually the ones who could use more love in their lives.

3. Find specific, intentional ways to bless and encourage them

But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you. Matthew 5:44

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Taking things a step further, once you’ve gotten a chance to know this person a little more, it’s time to bless them. Write an encouraging letter, take them out for a cup of coffee, lend them a book. Show them that you are not going to give up on pursuing a positive relationship with them, and you refuse to accept a negative relationship. P.s. when all else fails, compliments go a long way. How can you be mean to someone who appreciates your great fashion sense?!

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