He Saves Another’s Life And Receives A Gift That Brings Him To Tears!

Tom Artiaga saves a stranger from a house fire. This unsuspecting hero is treated to several well-deserved gifts on Jimmy Kimmel Live, one of which has him in tears.

A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity. Proverbs 17:17

Tom Artiaga was on his way to work when he came across a house fire with a man still trapped inside. Tom made his way into the house and emerged with the man draped over his shoulder. He doesn’t call it heroism; he calls it loving his neighbor, that everyone is his brother. But it is heroic, and for this truly selfless act, Tom and his family were invited to be guests on Jimmy Kimmel Live. The unsuspecting hero was presented with several gifts on the show including one that was hand delivered by the manager of his favorite baseball team, the Dodgers.


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