Doctors Said She Wouldn’t Last The Night, But God Had Other Plans!

Allison and Josh originally thought they would have two, maybe three kids. They now have a family of seven, and they could not be happier.

Allison and Josh originally thought they would have two, maybe three kids. They now have a family of seven, and they could not be happier. After having four natural born children, and adopting one child, they thought their family was as big as it was going to get. But God had other plans! Josh got a call about a woman who was pregnant, and who could not keep the baby. He and Allison prayed over the situation, and agreed that God had burdened them to take on this little life, and to adopt the baby. On the way to the hospital, Josh got another call. It was twins! Allison was overjoyed! A few minutes later, yet another call. The second baby was not expected to survive. “We went from overwhelmed with happiness, to overwhelmed with grief in a matter of minutes. The thought of that precious little girl being dead before we even got to meet her was almost too much,” Allison remembers. The doctors said that the baby girl had severe brain damage, and she had nothing that made a human a human. Josh and Allison did not let this deter them. They knew God was in control, and that this sweet child needed love and a home for as long as God allowed her to be on this earth!

Even though we don’t know how long Ava will be with her new family, we know that she is loved, and she is in God’s hands! For more incredible adoption stories, check out the Baldwin Family, and how God burdened them to adopt seven kids after becoming empty nesters!

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