How Do We Know That God Is Love?

As Christians we are God’s people. He has delivered us from the slavery of sin and death by his sacrifice on the cross. Because we are his people, we are to carry on his mission in the world. But how?

“From the Lord comes deliverance. May your blessing be on your people.” Psalm 3:8

There is no deliverance outside of God. God is love. (1 John 4:7ff) There is no salvation outside of love. All of creation is the product of God’s love. We who are created in that love are called upon to live out of that love in all that we say and do. We are to cooperate with God in sustaining that love in the world.

It is God’s blessings upon us that give us life and all that is good in it. It is his blessings that surround us with beauty. His blessings are our strength, our hope. It is in his blessings that we find our joy. Ultimately, it is his blessings that give us the the wisdom of love. Without his blessings we are lost and fumble around in the dark trying to. With them we become his faithful disciples in this often difficult and tortured world.

As Christians we are God’s people. He has delivered us from the slavery of sin and death by his sacrifice on the cross. Because we are his people, we are to carry on his mission in the world. We are to be his voice giving hope to the lost. We are to be his healing hands caring for the wounded, the sick, those who suffer in body and mind. He wants us to be examples of his mercy and forgiveness in this world that is so often burdened by anger, hate and mistrust. He especially wants us to be all of this for one another, so that others will look at us and see the goodness that comes from our faith in God and want to partake in it too.

Because we are his people, he walks with us throughout our days. He is faithful to us and will never abandon us. His love for us is constant and everlasting. God is with us! He is our champion, our protector, our guide, the source of all that is good. This is why we can pray confidently in hope and faith along with the psalmist, “May your blessings be on your people.”

Lord, our God, we lift our hearts in thanksgiving to you. We pray for the strength to honor you with our lives in all that we say and do. Give us the courage of a deepening faith in you. Without you we can do nothing. With you all is possible. We pray in Jesus’ name. Amen!

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