Biblical New Year’s Resolutions

Forget about shedding pounds or reading through Oprah’s book list – true change and lasting happiness comes from one place alone: God.

I’ll be honest, I’m skeptical about New Year’s resolutions. Maybe it’s because statistically, of the 45% of Americans that make resolutions each January, only 8% succeed. I have a theory though. I think that as humans, we have a long history of selling ourselves short. We aim far too low, and are too easily satisfied. What if we dared to reach for the greatest joy this year? What if our aim was to achieve the ultimate transformation? Forget about shedding pounds or reading through Oprah’s book list – true change and lasting happiness comes from one place alone: God.

So this year let’s make some lasting changes. Don’t be afraid to call upon the Lord, and ask Him to reveal more of Himself to you! Which brings us to the first Biblical resolution:

Pray Through The Psalms

I meditate on all that you have done; I ponder the work of your hands. I stretch out my hands to you, my soul thirsts for you like a parched land. Psalm 143:5-6

I love the Psalms. From joyous choruses to desperate pleas, this book of poetry has it all. The Psalms teach us that it’s ok to mourn, to wail and lament, to be upset and confused with what God is doing. They border on the irreverent at times. Yet, David, the author of most of the Psalms, was a man after God’s own heart. Praying through the Psalms can teach us that it’s ok to not be ok – as long as in the end you are surrendered to God’s plan over your life.

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