A Christian Halloween Poem

Witches and monsters we close our eyes to….But Lord, open our eyes to those who need You!

As Halloween approaches and before we know

The moon will be casting its golden glow.

The air will be crisp with much cooler days

The leaves full of color to brighten the way.

The fields are all full and ready to glean,

Children laugh at the pumpkins they’ve seen!

Apples are ready to pick from the trees

Then cider will promptly be made from these.

The Lord looks down on our fun Fall days

And watches about as we go on our way.

The harvest is ripe in the fields of the soul

Make sure “to glorify Him” is our goal!


Witches and monsters we close our eyes to

But Lord, open our eyes to those who need You!

Send the workers far out in the fields

Glean from their work what You’d have them yield.

Halloween time can be fun — it’s a treat!

But do things that honor God on the streets.

Hand out tracts with your goodies this year

You never know what seeds will fall near!

A seed that will sprout and soon grow to be

Lord, another ripe harvest for Thee!

Give us words and deeds on this night

That give others peace, not fear and fright.

– Lucy Cain

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