These 4 Questions Could Change Everything…

There is a false idea that strength is found in overcoming a situation, and glory only comes in victory. I think there is far more strength to be had in having the discipline to suffer, and still choosing to see God work. If you find yourself in a dry season in life, it is important to take time to ask the right questions.

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There is a false idea that strength is found in overcoming a situation, and glory only comes in victory. I think there is far more strength to be had just sitting in the pain day in and day out; in having the discipline to suffer, and still choosing to see God work. If you find yourself in a dry season in life, it is important to take time to ask the right questions.

1. How did I get here?

He is not just the God of our good times. He is the God of all times. Which means he’s also the God of our worst times.– David Mathis

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Every desert is different, and it is important to consider our current position in the greater context of our lives. Did sin play a part in this spiritual wasteland? If so, know that confession is the first step towards restoration (1 John 1:9). Are there situations out of our control contributing to our state of mind? Such things as illnesses or a death in the family can contribute to stress, weariness, and depression. It is important to note that God is not punishing you, rather He is growing you, building you up through these trials. Above all, ask yourself, is God Sovereign?

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