Young Men Give Unsuspecting Waitress Simple And Profound Gift

If you work in food service: what’s the biggest tip you’ve ever received? If you’ve eaten out, how much have you given?

If you work in food service: what’s the biggest tip you’ve ever received? If you’ve eaten out, how much have you given? These guys headed out to their local IHOP with a simple goal: offer a $200 tip to their server. The two young men acknowledge that they’ve been more blessed than others financially, so they’re going to give some of it back. For the two guys, it’s a small and simple gesture, but she tries to decline the gratuity, incapable of believing that anyone would give her so much, and verifying again and again “really?” When she realizes that it is a free good gift, the look of joy on this mother’s face shows how it means so much more.

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